Hi, i'm


frontend web developer +

systems analysis student

icono sass

About Me

Hi, my name is Roman Alvarez and I am a self-taught Front End Developer based in Argentina, Rosario. My first interactions with code began on my last grade of High School (2020), programming microcontrollers with Arduino, which I didn't like very much but made me curious about coding. In 2021 I decided to study Systems Engineering at the National Technological University (UTN), where I acquired knowledge of algorithms, structure programing and Python. Then in 2022 I started a FullStack bootcamp in RollingCode School, where I learned technologies such as Html, Css, Javascript, Sass, Figma, web design and also how to work with agile methodologies like Scrum. It wasn't easy to keep up to date with both careers but this taught me how to manage my times based on my objectives. Finally, in 2023 I switched to the Systems Analyst's career in the Higher Polytechnic Institute of Rosario. Nowadays, I'm studying my degree and learning web programing by myself in order to get my first job opportunity in the IT World.


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Localysta is a company thath offers touristic tours in Spain, this webpage has the functionality to book tours depending of the type the clients want to choose: food tours and walking tours


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A Rock Paper and Scissors game against the machine


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Nomadic and federal event that brings together technology specialists to inspire the nerd community. This page has the objective of connecting with people interested in this type of events


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Linguini's Kitchen

Linguini's Kitchen is a Food page for searching and save recipes based on what you have on your fridge. In addition you can find food depending on diffrerent characteristics like intolerances, cuisine, type and diet. It is made with the Api of Spoonacular

Javascript + SASS + HTML

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Memory Game

This is a memory game inspired in the Scaloneta ⭐⭐⭐(Argentinian football national team). It uses figures from the Qtar 2022 World Cup album

Javascript + CSS + HTML

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JS Calculator

Calculator for basic operations

Javascript + CSS + HTML


Get in touch or shoot me an email directly on